MA Communication Design 2010, Central St. Martins

Digital Media: Yi Ting Shou

Yi-ting Shou

The project is about revealing the consequences of choices.

Thanks to the everlasting development of technology, our life is moving on with it’s modern pace. The way of living is more convenient and simpler than ever, people take all this for granted. We can see it from the food industry, consumers no longer has any idea how things work and  how things are done behind the supermarket rack as they don’t need to concern about it. Actually there are only several multinational corporations who control the entire food system from seed to supermarkets, and the peasants were out of hand of their own crops.

Therefore, think about the consequences when we have alternatives ahead of us, for the sake of the balance of our world. Our little choice can have big impact on the whole network, which will eventually affect back to us.

I aim to make people see through the whole process of food transactions and find out who has significant impact on the food network and who is controlling the food industry and wining profit. You may surprisedly find out that all the food on your dinning table can be traced back to one multinational corporation eventually.

people can see the cause-effect in a global scale by playing with the links and icons in the simulation, and compare to control the resources in different ways. It’s intuitive to learn from the virtual simulation of food transaction that how much our choices can have impact on the entire food system.

Feel free to play the simulation online at

icon index

flow view

interflow view

project on touch screen

degree show

degree show

degree show

building the touch screen table

touch screen test

connect screen with computer

test with projection

building the table


setting up the touch screen table

for more details, please visit

3 Responses

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  1. Baddeo said, on June 4, 2010 at 12:37 pm

    Wow, I can’t wait to try this next week! The interface feels much clearer now..

    • macd2010 said, on June 7, 2010 at 10:35 pm

      😀 Thanks! bring more people to come! I’ll be there with drinks…

  2. Elzean said, on June 8, 2010 at 1:42 am

    Nice project ! Well done !

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